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【轉知】日本姐妹校南山大學日本研究中心徵求2021秋季訪問學者(The Nanzan University Center for Japanese Studies (CJS) Visiting Faculty Program)

發布日期 2021-03-23 11:06:00

【轉知】日本姐妹校南山大學日本研究中心徵求2021秋季訪問學者(The Nanzan University Center for Japanese Studies (CJS) Visiting Faculty Program)

日本姊妹校南山大學日本研究中心The Nanzan University Center for Japanese Studies (CJS)徵求日本研究相關領域訪問學者。


六、 學者年齡限制:申請者必須為1952年4月1日(含)以後出生者。
(五) 申請人部門主管的推薦信。


ANNOUNCING The Nanzan University Center for Japanese Studies (CJS) Visiting Faculty Program

In order to strengthen collaborative efforts with its student exchange partner schools, Nanzan University will host a few partner school faculty members from the field of Japanese Area Studies for the Fall 2021 semester. This visiting faculty members will teach one or more courses and carry out research at Nanzan University in exchange for a modest stipend and remuneration for courses taught.

2021 Fall Semester: September 2021 to December 2021 (four months, one person)

1) The Visiting Faculty Member will teach one and more courses in Japanese Area Studies (e.g., literature, culture, society, history, politics, economics, business, international relations, etc.), at Nanzan University in the 2021 Fall semester (September-December, 2021), during his/her period of stay. The area studies courses are taught in English.
2) The Visiting Faculty Member is expected to use the stay at Nanzan to continue his or her own research and engage in scholarly dialog with Nanzan University faculty members, and is encouraged to participate in CJS and University activities.


1) 100,000 yen stipend per month; this is to cover both travel and living expenses. No additional funding for travel to and from Japan will be provided.
However, please note that the stipend will be approximately 79,580 yen net per month, with 20,420 yen withheld as income tax for those who come from countries or regions that do not have tax treaties with Japan covering academic positions. Also, please note that accommodation will not be provided by Nanzan University but will be the responsibility of the visiting scholar. However, information on apartments or other possible housing options will be provided upon request, including a Nanzan University guest lecturer accommodation facility.

2) Remuneration for the course(s) taught (from 310,000 to 360,000 yen per semester for each course for a typical 30-class-hour, three-credit course, depending upon teaching experience and academic rank)

3) A faculty office with internet connection

4) Use of the Nanzan University Library


Those interested in applying to the program should submit the following documents:
1) A curriculum vitae including the applicant’s educational and professional history.
2) A short description of the course(s) that the applicant could offer at Nanzan CJS.
3) A short description of current research interests and projects that could be carried out at Nanzan University.
4) A short description of the potential future contribution at the home institution.
5) A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s department head.

Applicants must have been born on or after April 1, 1952.
Applicants who have been selected and have completed the program are not eligible to apply again.

The application deadline (WENZAO):April 6, 2021.

Please submit documents by email to arrive by the deadline to oc1003@mail.wzu.edu.tw, Ms. Hsieh (Ext. 2613), Section of International Exchange, OICC.

More detail information, pls. see the attached file.


公告單位:國際暨兩岸合作處 國際合作交流組
Section of International Exchange,
Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation
公告人  :謝淑如 Ms. Hsieh (07)3426031分機2613