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【轉知】IFCU and SIGNPOST Webinar:Simplifying your admin with ADOBE DC & especially ADOBE SIGN (Free Registration )

發布日期 2021-05-13 09:57:00

【轉知】IFCU and SIGNPOST Webinar:Simplifying your admin with ADOBE DC & especially ADOBE SIGN (Free Registration )

* Organizer:SIGNPOST and IFCU (International Federation of Catholic Universities)
* Theme:Simplifying your admin with ADOBE DC & especially ADOBE SIGN
* Time: May 20, 2021(Thursday) 8:00PM(TAIWAN) /2:00PM(PARIS)
* Register:


This first webinar is part of a partnership between IFCU and SIGNPOST, a Belgian firm specializing in ICT Solutions for education that has been working with several universities in 5 European countries (and counting)…

Signpost invites you, via IFCU-FIUC, to a new short, free but inspiring webinar on digital educational tools.

In these webinars, you will receive all the information you need, discover the latest features, and learn specific tips and tricks for those in the education sector.

This time, we want to show you the full potential of ADOBE DC & especially ADOBE SIGN:
Traditional administration in an institution, the paperwork and paper flow, is very costly and not efficient at all. With the Adobe suite the paper flow is easy to follow and very cost efficient: no more (printed) paperwork and post or scan work. It can help you to protected PDF-files to quickly get info at stakeholders (or parents f.i.) that can’t be altered. Adobe Sign is on the other hand a perfect way to keep an automated view on who has seen or signed a new document or report.
Participant profiles:

This webinar is appealing for a broad scope of departments in your institution: it is useful for internal or external use: think about HR, IT, marketing, finance, administration etc.



※If you register for this webinar, please also report your attendance upon the inquiry of your department to help school data collection of international exchange. Thank you.

公告單位:國際暨兩岸合作處 國際合作交流組
Section of International Exchange, Office of International and
 Cross-Strait Cooperation
公告人  :謝淑如 Ms. Hsieh (07)3426031分機2613