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【轉知】Webinar on "Ethical Leadership of ASEAN and in ASEAN: Developing Responsible Leaders on the World Stage"(FREE REGISTRATION)

發布日期 2021-05-14 16:51:00

【轉知】Webinar on "Ethical Leadership of ASEAN and in ASEAN: Developing Responsible Leaders on the World Stage"(FREE REGISTRATION)

* Organizer:AHDO(ASEAN Human Development Organisation) / FIHRRST(The Association for International Human Rights Reporting Standards) / AUN(ASEAN University Network)
* THEME:Ethical Leadership of ASEAN and in ASEAN: Developing Responsible Leaders on the World Stage
* TIME: May 27, 2021 (Thursday) 10:00-12:30AM(TAIWAN)/ 09:00-11:30 AM(BANGKOK)

* Register:https://reurl.cc/5oY1W7


ASEAN as a community of Member States is confronting a series of ethical challenges in leadership: political crises, the COVID pandemic, issues in sustainability, inequality, access to higher education, the future of work, and thought leadership, to name a few. ASEAN is looking more than ever to ethical leadership for today and tomorrow. The challenge of developing responsible leaders is both timeless and borderless, more so than ever now that ASEAN ethics is in the global spotlight.

To address this pressing issue of leadership, this webinar opens with a broad overview of ethical leadership by Jose Ramos-Horta, one of only two living ASEAN leaders who have won the Nobel Peace Prize and governed a nation. He will share his vision of the strengths and challenges of ASEAN. Our diverse panel represents a 50-year generational span and comes from 5 different ASEAN countries. They will share how they build ethical leadership in ASEAN, covering business, higher education, human rights, human development, and youth employment.

What is and how to build ethical leadership within ASEAN? Let's find out in "Ethical Leadership of ASEAN and in ASEAN: Developing Responsible Leaders on the World Stage" Webinar on 27 May 2021 at 9.00-11.30 (GMT+7 Bangkok local time).

 *E-certificate will be offered at the end of the webinar.

※If you register for this webinar, please also report your attendance upon the inquiry of your department to help school data collection of international exchange. Thank you.

公告單位:國際暨兩岸合作處 國際合作交流組
Section of International Exchange, Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation
公告人  :謝淑如 Ms. Hsieh (07)3426031分機2613