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【公告】 Dr. E-Learning新平台啟用!【Announcement】New Dr. E-Learning platform is available online!

發布日期 2022-08-04 15:10:00

【公告】 Dr. E-Learning新平台啟用!




  • 登入不限使用裝置、瀏覽器: 用戶可使用任何電子裝置(手機、平板、電腦等)及瀏覽器(Chrome、Safari、Edge等)登入Dr. E-Learning平台,讓預約及診斷療程更便利、不受限。
  • 介面全面升級: 新介面的升級讓學員及駐診老師都能更清楚了解每一個預約步驟及課程進度。現代感的介面也使觀看及使用的體驗多添舒適、順暢感。
  • 友善設備化: 新平台上線後,報到的方式也同步升級硬體設備。報到方式改採用「靠卡感應」,使學員及駐診老師上/下課的動線及流程更加快速且方便。


英/外語能力診斷輔導中心  敬上



【Announcement】New Dr. E-Learning platform is available online!


Dear teachers and students,


  To create a user-friendly experience of learning languages at Wenzao, the new platform of Dr. E-Learning has been launched on 1st August, 2022 and now is available on https://del.wzu.edu.tw/. Please log in with your Wenzao staff/student ID and the pin number. This new Dr. E-Learning platform has been upgraded and hopefully will reshape your impression of it! Here are some of its new functions:

  • Unlimited electronic devices or Web browsers to access to Dr. E-Learning

        Feel free to use different kinds of electronic devices (such as phone, tablet or laptop, etc.) or web browsers (such as Chrome、Safari、Edge, etc.) to access to Dr. E- Learning. Nothing shall intervene your exploration of this new platform.

  • Upgraded interface

       Student users can easily examine their learning schedule, check their registration status or sign up different courses/workshops on their electronic devices on/off campus.             Language tutors and advisors can monitor their registered sessions, apply for any sick/personal leave and then make up their absences on the platform.

  • User-Friendly equipment

      The check-in/out process has been simplified by using the new card reader. The only thing that students and teachers need to do is to tap in/out before and after class. Students will have a more convenient and efficient experience of using the learning resources at LDCC.


Why not get started and explore Dr. E-Learning with us now! Let’s go for it! (https://del.wzu.edu.tw/)



Language Diagnostic & Consulting Center