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1130206_113年春節期間校園安全管制措施/2024 Chinese New Year Holiday Notice

發布日期 2024-02-06 11:47:00


(1)  關閉民族路大門,僅開放鼎中路大門出入。(鼎中校門開放時間:上午08:00~下午22:00)

(2)  至善樓及行政大樓地下停車場關閉。

(3)  教師研究室均關閉,若有需進入研究室者,請與鼎中路值勤警衛聯繫協助開啟。

(4)  新春期間因業務需求需來校之同仁,請由鼎中路大門進出,並聯繫值勤人員會同開啟各棟建築物之鐵捲門。

(5)  鼎中路警衛室電話07-3426031分機7777;校園緊急聯絡電話07-3429958







To coordinate campus safety management and maintenance during the 2024 Chinese New Year holiday, the Office of General Affairs will take measures to control parts of the campus between February 8 (Thursday) and February 14, 2024 (Wednesday). Relevant measures are as follows:

(1) The campus gate on Minzu Road will be closed. Please use the campus gate on Dingzhong Road only for entering and exiting the campus.
(The Dingzhong Road gate is open from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM)

(2) The underground parking facilities in Zhishan Hall and Administration Building will be closed.

(3) The faculty research rooms will be closed. For those who need to use the faculty research rooms, please contact the security guard on duty at the security office on Dingzhong Road.

(4) For those who need to come to work during the Chinese New Year holiday, please use the campus gate on Dingzhong Road for entering and exiting the campus. Also, please contact staff on duty to help them open the roller doors in various buildings.

(5) The phone number of the security office on Dingzhong Road is 07-3426031 ext. 7777, and the campus emergency phone number is 07-3429958.

 [Notice] Please shut down all the electric appliances and close the windows and doors duly before you leave the office on February 7, 2024 (Wednesday).

We wish everyone a very happy Chinese New Year!