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歡迎報名參加【科技運用與AI 融入教學教師社群】! Welcome to attend the Teacher Community of Technology Application and AI Integration in Teaching

發布日期 2024-02-16 10:48:00



國際文教暨涉外事務學院與教師發展中心合作辦理【科技運用與AI 融入教學教師社群】(召集人:陳虹育老師),相關資訊與報名,詳見:https://sites.google.com/view/techinteach-tina-chen/home ,敬請踴躍報名參加。

敬祝 平安喜樂


教師發展中心教學組 敬啟



Dear faculty and staff members,


We hope all is well with you.


The College of International Cultural, Education, and Foreign Affairs with the Faculty Development Center to organize the "Teacher Community of Technology Application and AI Integration in Teaching" (organized by Ms. Tina Chen).


More information and registration available at https://sites.google.com/view/techinteach-tina-chen/home


We look forward to your active participation.

Best regards,


Instruction Section

Center for Faculty Development